We are going to Oregon this year for our vacation. This is something I've wanted to do for a long time, and we finally have the chance to get out of this heat for 8 glorious days! We will fly into Medford on July 16, and try to see as much of the western side of the state as possible in a week. Our itinerary includes Medford, Ashland, Salem (Art Fair, Yeah) possible Portland and the Marrekesh restaurant, Grants Pass, Astoria and other coastal towns, and Crater Lake, of course. This is the thought that will get me through till then-It rains there!
This is also a hunting trip, sort of. Hunting for that elusive place to call home. The place to work and play and dream and live. The place that will tell me it's time to retire these wandering ways and give my attention to living in the present. The place where I can set up my studio and really work.
Or, maybe this trip will lead me someplace else. Maybe, like Dorothy, all I have to do is click my heels 3 times and say "There's no place like home".
the Sisters Hat
5 years ago