I've never been one to make decisions easily or quickly. Sometimes I ponder and over-think, and am no closer to a decision after a week or even a month than I was initially, which is very frustrating.
There are those that say it's easy to decide if you listen to your heart, or feel that it's right in your gut. Personally, I think that sometimes the rumbling in my gut is gas, and my heart might be in arrhythmia, neither of which will bring me closer to the right decision.
Logic is also a method of making decisions; however most are not black and white, what might be right for one aspect of the issue often is at odds with another side.
Another camp suggests meditating or "sleeping on it". When I make that attempt, I lie awake for hours and am too tired to decide what to have for breakfast, let alone make any kind of life-altering choice.
Talking to people, getting other perspectives and opinions might be helpful for some. Personally, it only serves to confuse me as I then tend to look at my problem with not only my eyes, but the eyes of everybody with whom I have discussed the issue.
So, is the glass half-full or half-empty? Let me think about it.
the Sisters Hat
5 years ago